Advance your career with Eduskills

Elevate Your OET Success with Expert Guidance from
Fr. Saleen Joseph

EmpowerEng Army Mentors

Get personalized support and guidance from experienced mentors.

Live Zoom Sessions

Enhance your skills through live interactive sessions led by Fr. Saleen Joseph.


Boost your reading and listening skills with engaging challenges curated by Empower house members.

Self Assessment Forms

Track your progress and identify areas of improvement with the help of self assessment forms developed by Mrs. Jeni Joji.

Transforming lives, not for profit


Why Our Platform is Better

A place where you can achieve

Our platform, EDUSKILLS INTERNATIONAL, offers a unique and comprehensive approach to language learning that sets us apart from other organizations.

With guidance from Fr. Saleen Joseph, a renowned language expert, and support from dedicated EmpowerEng army mentors, our platform provides personalized and comprehensive training.

Quality can be better than quantity in this platform

Our platform offers a range of resources and interactive tools, including live zoom sessions, listening and reading challenges, self assessment forms, and more. All these resources are designed to help you improve your language skills effectively and efficiently. Whether you’re an OET aspirant or an IELTS learner, Eduskills is the perfect platform to help you reach your goals.


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What We Offer For Growth

At EDUSKILLS INTERNATIONAL, we offer personalized guidance, support and resources for growth in OET and IELTS exams.

Exclusive Mentor

Our instructors are industry experts, providing hands-on experience and guidance for career growth.

Multiplatform Support

Access the resources to excel on any platform using the web apps and mobile apps.

Thriving Community

Join our community with over 33,000 Members on Telegram and 25,000 Subscribers on YouTube

Our Supporters